Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Different Theoretical Approaches Essay

Examine how the different theoretical approaches have explained the changes that the family has historically gone through. The family is a universal institution present in every society throughout the world. For many, the family seems a familiar and comfortable institution, but this can appear in many different forms. A particular type of family is the ‘nuclear’ family; this consists of parents and children living together in the same household. The ‘conventional nuclear’ family comprises of a married man and woman with their biological children living together, this type of family is often dubbed ‘the cereal packet family’ where the male is the breadwinner and the female a homemaker. Another family type is the ‘extended’ family which includes all kin beyond the nuclear family e.g. Grandparents, Aunts or Uncles etc. Other family types include; Patriarchal families, Reconstituted or (step) families and Loan Parent Families, all of wh ich are alternatives to the traditional nuclear family. The family has been the focus of study for many different sociologists, all of which can be criticized in some form.Throughout this essay I am going to examine how the different theoretical approaches explain how family structures and the roles of individuals within them have changed in relation to each of the historical stages that Western society is said to have developed through. There is an underlying assumption amongst sociologists that ‘hunter-gatherer’ bands were the first forms of society. Although these were large communal groups the structure of the ‘nuclear’ family was seen to be present within them. In order to survive the need for team work was essential and therefore separate conjugal roles were necessary. Female mobility was limited due to the impact of child birth and child rearing so they were responsible for gathering nuts and berries from the land whilst the male role was go and hunt for food. Anthropologists studying ‘hunter-gathere r’ societies still in existence today such as The Hadza from Tanzania support this view and speculate this was once the way of life in every society. Functionalist Gary Lees believed the nuclear family unit was optimal within ‘hunter-gatherer’ societies as they needed to be mobile in order to move around and search for food. Marxist sociologist Friedrich Engels argued that because the means of production was owned communally then the family as such did not exist. He refers to this an era of ‘primitive  communism’ characterised by promiscuity. There were no rules limiting the number of sexual relationships so therefore society was in effect ‘the family’. (Holborn, 2004) Feminist sociologists tended to agree with the Marxist view but saw the roots of traditional conjugal roles such as childbirth and child-rearing as a disadvantage to women. The next stage in the development of society is referred to as the ‘pre-industrial’ stage. This stage of history saw a shift towards agricultural based societies. William Goode (1963) believed that the extended family was only appropriate with in this type of society due to the amount of Labour intensive work needed to be carried out. Functionalist Talcott Parsons agreed with this because the extended family system had more people available to carry out the wide variety of functions required. (Owens, n.d.) A study entitled ‘Family and community in Ireland’ (1968) Arensberg and Kimball found that kinship ties were still extremely strong but the basic unit was that of the extended family. They believe that the traditional Irish farming family is a ‘patriarchal extended family, due to considerable authority of the male head; the family is patrilineal because property is passed down the male family line. This has been criticised by Peter Laslett who examined parish records which provided evidence to indicate that in fact only 10% of pre-industrial families included kin beyond the nuclear family. (Owens, n.d.). Michael Young and Peter Wilmott conducted a study attempting to trace the development of the family from pre-industrial England to the 1970s. They suggest the family develops through four stages, they described the first stage family as one that works together as a unit of production; husband, wife and unmarried children work together as team. Materialist feminist Sylvia Walby believed that economic relations and inheritance of property were a major source of female disadvantage. The period of industrialisation is associated with urbanisation and the growth of factory based industry. Talcott Parsons argued that the family is ‘structurally isolated’ because relationships with other kin are a matter of choice and as the nuclear family contained the basic roles of mother, father and children needed to carry out the essential functions then the extended family of pre-industrial times was no longer required. He believed the family had emerged due to a process structural differentiation society had gone through and due to development of more specialised institutions there are fewer functions  needing to be perform ed by the family and therefore the family ceases to become an economic unit of production. (Holborn, 2004) However other sociologists such as Michael Anderson (1971) believed that industrialisation actually increased the need for extended family because as people moved into towns they moved in with relatives in order to find comfort and security. Community studies of working class neighbourhoods in the twentieth century such as Dennis et al’s study of a Yorkshire mining village (1956) and Jeremy Tunstall’s study of Hull trawler men (1962) all featured similar conclusions of extended family life and support. (Owens, n.d.) Wilmott and Young referred to this as their Stage two families which began with the industrial revolution. In this stage families cease to be a unit of production and become employed as individual wage earners. They believe due to low wages and high unemployment families extended their nuclear networks to include extended family networks, this provided them financial security against hardship. They believed this was the tie between mother and married daughter they used as a defence due to the conjugal bond within the nuclear family being so weak, due to the males in the relationship choosing to spend more time away from the family unit. Some people have argued that as industrialisation and modernisation proceeded, kinship-based society and the extended family broke up and the nuclear family emerged as the dominant form. This family has often been referred to as ‘the cereal packet family’. The role of father also saw a shift towards a more family based role and the conjugal bond was strong. Post-industrial times have seen a decline in factory based industry and a rise in people choosing to work within the service sector. The big question now is whether or not the ‘family is in decline?’ Patterns of family life have changed dramatically over recent years. One reason for this is the rise in divorce rates as changes to laws have meant that it is much easier for people to get divorced than it was in the past, also a change in attitude has meant that there is no longer the social stigma around attached with divorce. The development of the state and a rise in women workers means that women no longer have to rely on a male for financial support. Feminist Germaine Greer sees divorce has been good for women as they no longer have to accept living in an unhappy marriage. In conclusion I believe that there has been a widespread change in family structures over time, but I believe this is due more due to cultural changes  and a more widespread knowledge and acceptance of the different types of family that exists. Bibliography Holborn, H. a., 2004. Sociology themes and perspectives. 6th ed. s.l.:Harpercollins. Owens, R., n.d. Families and Households -Changing Structure. Sociology factsheet.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Myths America Lives by

Pardeep Kullar Myths America Lives By The American Creed is spoken through myths that tell of the meaning and purpose of our country. These myths testify to the love and patriotism that we have for America. Each epoch had its own myth that it lived by in creating the American Creed that justified the existence and action of our nation. Based on the cynical response, if a collective group of Americans detested to the stories that hold America together and concluded that they were false, our nation would be in danger at that point.The problems that exist in America would take the forefront and question the existence of our country. The absolutist response, on the other hand, claims to the righteousness of America and supports the actions pursued by our nation in tumultuous times. Although the absolutist response tries to affirm the American creed, it undermines it at the same time. The Myth of the Chosen People first emerged amongst the Puritans in the colonial period. It basically sta ted for people to love each other with a brotherly love and to take on one another’s burdens.In time, this myth changed from â€Å"chosen for the good of the neighbor† to chosen by God for â€Å"special privileges in the world†. The Myth of Nature’s Nation emerged during the Revolutionary Era. It basically claimed that humans had unalienable rights. But in order to justify the oppression that existed in American culture in the nineteenth century was affirmed by claiming that nature did not include Native Americans or Blacks. They Myth of the Christian Nation was created through the Second Great Awakening. It emphasized to keep behavior in line with the teachings of Christ.But this myth quickly embedded the myth of the chosen people and the myth of nature’s nation into it, so that even Christ’s teachings gave special privileges and rights to only certain selected Americans. The Myth of the Millennial Nation emerged during the early national p eriod. Americans believed that America would lead the world into an age of freedom. This myth too has been absolutized. Americans believe that they are pushing the world towards freedom by forcing others to be free by actively engaging in war. The Myth of the Innocent Nation came into being in the twentieth century.It is rooted in all the other myths, making it very powerful. This myth is grounded in disillusion and tells no truth in its story. After the World Wars, Americans believe that because they had faced great evil, they were righteous and innocent in all of their acts. Although America’s involvement in Vietnam, made the claim to innocence very questionable, they myth prevailed and is stronger now than ever since the 9/11 attacks on America. So once again, America’s interference in the Middle East is perceived as one of innocence.The African American perspective is included to critique the myths America lives by as it shows the other side of the coin. Because Af rican American experience was very different from the White American experience, it adds a component of truth to the myths that is nonexistent from the other perspective alone. Although African Americans express a different perspective, they also express a validity and hopefulness in the American Creed that they wish will one day be carried out to its truest measures.

Monday, July 29, 2019

An Exploration of the US Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

An Exploration of the US Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Was the United States Justified in Using the Atomic Bomb? On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city, Hiroshima. To this day, this has been a controversial military strategy. Those who believe that the U.S. was justified in using the atomic bomb argue that more lives were saved, and that the Japanese’s vigor and willingness to fight to the death forced the U.S. to extreme measures. On the other hand, those who thought using the atomic bomb was unjustified argue that the atomic bomb violated the principles of war, that it did not end World War II (WWII) sooner and it was not the ideal choice to use for WWII. Looking at proponents of the United States’ usage of the atomic bomb such as Hugh A. Halliday and Richard Frank, military historians, and Michael Kort, a professor of Social Science at Boston University, as well as opponents including policy analyst, John Siebert, Martin J Sherwin, a professor at George Mason University, and Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, a professor emeritus of History at th e University of California we intend to evaluate and summarize both sides of the discussion as to whether the United States was justified to drop the atomic bomb. Proponents of employing the atomic bomb argue that had the atomic bomb not been dropped and the original ground invasion was implemented more lives from either side would have been lost. Japan’s unwillingness to surrender forced the United States to the point that they did not know what it would take to end the war. To discuss these points, we will look at the arguments from Hugh A. Halliday, a military historian who served in the RCAF’s Air Historian, Canadian Forces Directorate of History, and Canadian War Museum, Michael Kort, a professor of Social Science at Boston University, and Richard B. Frank a military historian who served almost four years in the United States Army. Japan had an ingrained conviction that the purpose of life was to die for the Emperor which was seen in not only her militants but also in her civilians with civilian causalities ranging from 42,000 to 150,000 dead from suicide or battle. Ground invasion of Japanese home islands was an option that the U.S. government considered. However, estimates from General Douglas MacArthur, in favor of ground invasion, curbed the numbers to roughly 130,000 casualties; however, this did not include the 300,000 Allied prisoners of war (PoWs) nor the enemy civilian casualties. In addition to the ground invasion and bombardment, the U.S. planned to utilize a blockade that was projected to cause famine, ensuing thousands of civilian deaths. Though roughly 200,000 people were killed thru the atomic bomb, it was still the morally preferred choice compared to the estimated deaths via an invasion. However, Michael Kort argues that it was never about deciding to use the atomic bomb versus implementing a ground invasion, but rather what it would take to have Japan surrender. The United States had been bombing Japan for three years prior to the Potsdam Declaration. She had already suffered an estimated 806,000 casualties in Okinawa and Tokyo. And yet when the U.S. had the Potsdam Declaration that gave Japan a chance to surrender, she not only chose to ignore it but also sought negotiations with the Soviet Union, to the extent of bargaining alliance benefits. Thus, the United States hoped that the sheer destructive power of the atomic bomb could persuade Japan to surrender and thus put an end to WWII. Advocates against utilizing the atomic bomb contend that it was a violation of the principles of war as well as the Geneva Protocol, which banned the usage of chemical weapons in war. Furthermore, in response to the belief that the atomic bomb lead to the shortening of WWII, the reason that Japan surrender was because of the USSR declaring war against her as well as invading Japanese-occupied land. In addition, had the United States adjusted the Potsdam Declaration, Japan would have been more inclined to agree to its terms. In order to analyze these arguments, we will discuss the points of John Siebert, a policy analyst who served in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Human Rights and Aboriginal Justice with the United Church of Canada as well as a consultant to government and non-governmental organizations, Martin J. Sherwin, a Pulitzer winner and professor of History at George Mason University, and Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, a professor emeritus of History at the University of Californi a. Arguably there are principles of war that are commonly agreed upon such as not directly targeting non-military establishments and non-militants. However, the United States knowingly targeted civilian cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And had Henry L. Stimson, former U.S. Secretary of War, not opposed the Target Committee, they would have chosen Kyoto, the center of Japan’s civilization for over a thousand years. Moreover, after the practice of mustard gas as well as other chemical weapons in World War I, the Geneva Protocol was created and signed by members of the League of Nations, banning the use of chemical weapons in war. But though the United States was aware of the radiation poisoning that would occur from the atomic bomb, it was still deployed. By exploiting the atomic bomb, the U.S. indicated that nuclear arms were valid weapons of war. Aside from the moral discretions of implementing the atomic bomb, the argument that the atomic bomb led to the end of WWII sooner is invalid. Because the USSR declared war against Japan and invaded Japanese-controlled land, Japan could not ensure success in fighting both fronts and thus surrendered. Ward Wilson, Senior Fellow and Director of the Re-thinking Nuclear Weapons, remarked that Japanese leaders said it was the atomic bomb that led to their surrender as it was less embarrassing to lose against a miracle weapon. Not only that but Japan’s military officials argued that they could convince the USSR to negotiate for better surrender terms than the unconditional surrender in the Potsdam Declaration. However, with the declaration of war, they no longer had a case to continue the war. Along with this, had the United States adjusted their Potsdam Declaration to indicate that the Emperor would not be held liable for the war under the unconditional surrender then perhaps Japan would have agreed. This is because her term for surrender was to preserve their imperial system and Japan was already known to hold her Emperor to a high-degree. Though Secretary of War Stimson did recommend this adjustment; unfortunately, Secretary of State, James Byrnes, vetoed it. Though the amendment was attempted yet vetoed, the U.S. could have invited the USSR to sign the Potsdam Declaration in doing so would show Japan that she could not rely on the USSR to aid her. Supporters of using the atomic bomb argue that the bomb saved more lives than the planned ground invasion and because of Japan’s disinclination to surrender the war despite heavily unfavorable odds provoked the U.S. to undergo drastic measures. Japanese people’s disposition to perish for their Emperor was unsettling and led to a high civilian casualty even prior to considerations of dropping the atomic bomb. This temperament to die rather than to be a prisoner is one of the teachings in bushido, a samurai heritage and code of ethics. The Japanese were taught from a young age bushido and to worship the Emperor, a descendent from the Sun Goddess. Because of this contempt of being PoWs, many times the Japanese would fight until they were killed or committed suicide. American soldiers would witness the horror of Japanese mothers holding their children and choosing to jump to their deaths rather than to be taken as prisoners. The U.S. estimated that a ground invasion would not only lead to losses on the Allied powers but also to a high casualty rate due to the extreme devotion the Japanese had to their Emperor. The Joint Chiefs of Staff assessed that the United States would experience 1.2 million casualties for the entire ground invasion operation, while personnel in the Navy Department estimated 1.7-4 million casualties (Trueman). These estimates were significantly larger than the roughly 200,000 people killed by the atomic bomb. Not known at the time, it was later found that the Japanese Army had trained a civilian militia of around 28 million men and women to defend the home islands should a ground invasion occur (Giangreco). A year after the dropping of the atomic bomb, Karl T. Compton, a member of Truman’s Interim Committee — â€Å"a committee to advise the president about matters pertaining to the use of nuclear energy and weapons† (Harry S Truman National Historic Site)  interviewed a Japanese Army officer asking him if they could have repelled Operation Downfall to which the officer responded â€Å"†¦ I do not think we could have stopped you.† When asked what the Japanese would have done, the officer responded â€Å"We would have kept on fighting until all Japanese were killed, but we would not have been defeated,† in which defeat meant the disgrace of surrendering (Compton). Not only that but the Japanese imperial system was corrupted by the influence of military officials who strongly desired to continue fighting despite the extremely detrimental predicament the country was in. Despite suffering 806,000 casualties in Okinawa and Tokyo, when the U.S. issued her Potsdam Declaration, Japan chose to try and invoke the aid of the USSR, who had a delicate relationship with the United States. And after the atomic bomb dropping on Hiroshima and given a three-day grace period to respond, significant Japanese military officials thought it unlikely that the U.S. would have another bomb. Even when Nagasaki was bombed, military officials refused to accept surrendering though the Emperor now suggested to accept the U.S. terms. It was not till days of continuous bombing after the atomic bombs usage that the Emperor firmly declared that Japan would indeed surrender the war. Thus, though there may have been implications of the Japanese surrendering, it was unlikely that they would have surrendered given the military’s obstinacy. That said those against the United States exploitation of the atomic bomb dispute that the United States not only violated the Geneva Protocol and principles of war but also legitimized the usage of the atomic bomb in wars to come. Though the United States targeted civilian cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, these cities were chosen because they centered around military production (â€Å"Hiroshima and Nagasaki Death Toll†). And though the Geneva Protocol banned chemical weapons use during war, the atomic bomb is not categorized under chemical weapons but rather as a nuclear weapon. However, in spite of not breaching the Geneva Protocol, the U.S. set the precedence for future countries to use nuclear weapons in future wars. It was also argued that the usage of the atomic bomb was not the reason for Japan’s surrender in its place it was the entry of the USSR into WWII. Japanese military officials used the USSR as a means of stalling Japan from agreeing to the terms of surrender, but when the USSR declared war against Japan, rather than concede and surrender, they came up with a different reason to avoid surrendering. Instead of teaming with the USSR to discuss better terms of surrender, Japanese militant officials argued that the U.S. did not have another atomic bomb and that even if she did she would be under public pressure to not use it. No matter what deleterious situation Japan came under, her military officials refused to surrender, whether it be the entry of the USSR or the dropping of the atomic bombs. However, the catastrophe from the atomic bombs was able to move the Emperor from his onlooker position into actively striving for Japan’s surrender. In addition to this proponents against the usage of the atomic bomb also reasoned that had the U.S. invited the USSR to sign the Potsdam Declaration then Japan military officers could not have tried to incite help from the USSR. However, the relationship of the U.S. and the USSR were already on shaky grounds and President Truman did not want to invite the USSR into the war as her objectives for involvement were unknown. And if the U.S. did add the USSR to the Potsdam Declaration then following Japan’s surrender, the USSR would be allowed to occupy a portion of Japan’s land (Heads of Governments). Robert Frank estimated that roughly 300,000 to 500,000 Japanese people, mostly civilians, would have died or vanished in Soviet captivity. Historians have debated over whether the United States was justified in using the atomic bomb against Japan in World War II. Proponents argue that the ingrained bushido in Japanese citizens led to the risk of substantial civilian casualties as well as the necessity to use catastrophic means to shake their conviction to not capitulate. Opponents assert that the U.S. broke principles of war and allowed a precedence to use nuclear weapons in war. As well as arguing that the atomic bomb was not the reason that WWII ended sooner and thus led to lives being saved, instead it was the entrance of the USSR that forced the Japanese to surrender. After evaluation of both sides of the discussion, the strongest argument for the usage of the atomic bomb is that the bushido in Japanese culture startled the U.S. and led her to believe that extreme measures would be necessary to put an end to the war. While the strongest contention against the usage of the atomic bomb is that it legitimized the usage of nuclear weapons in war. Subsequently, though the United States ethically should not have used the atomic bomb since it established the allowance of nuclear weapons in war, given the situation the U.S. was in it is justifiable that the atomic bomb was implemented. Opponents that argue against the U.S. deploying the atomic bomb are not realizing that hindsight is 20/20. After six years of long, gruesome battle the U.S. would want to put an end to the war as quickly and effectively as possible and it would be unlikely that they would carefully consider what the usage of the atomic bomb would entail in future war policies. The options from those who dissented the usage of the bomb are impractical and unrealistic. Perhaps invitation of the Soviet Union onto the Potsdam Declaration would have led to Japan’s surrender, but without knowing whether the USSR would hold up their promise it would be a risky compromise. And the U.S. was right to think that it would take a significant force to make Japan surrender as the corruption from the military officials would continue to thwart any notions of surrendering. The dropping of the atomic bombs was a necessity to influence the Emperor to take control and finally end WWII.

Case study aristotle Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Aristotle - Case Study Example He does not have much patience for theory for its own sake and neither do I. In my own life I try to ask the question, â€Å"Will it work in practice?† or â€Å"How do I do this?† I am much less interested in what is theoretically good or bad, and when I read Aristotle I see that he was similarly interested in the practical side of ethics rather than the theoretical side of things. In the world we live in so much of ethical thinking and philosophy is incredibly theoretical. Doctrines are written by academics who seem to have never left their ivory towers. They talk about symbols and dreams—but almost never about real people and real world concerns. They always describe an ideal world or a person they call the â€Å"Rational man.† In my own experience the world is not ordered in such a way that it can be useful to study exclusively theory. When we think of ethics, such an important part of our day to day lives, we don’t have time for theory. We need to know how to be good. Learning why we should be good, or what goodness truly means, or if goodness actually exists independently from any of us is much less important. With those who identify happiness with virtue or some one virtue our account is in harmony; for to virtue belongs virtuous activity. But it makes, perhaps, no small difference whether we place the chief good in possession or in use, in state of mind or in activity. For the state of mind may exist without producing any good result, as in a man who is asleep or in some other way quite inactive, but the activity cannot; for one who has the activity will of necessity be acting, and acting well. And as in the Olympic Games it is not the most beautiful and the strongest that are crowned but those who compete (for it is some of these that are victorious), so those who act win, and rightly win, the noble and good things in life. It is possible to think deep thoughts about what is goodness and do nothing that is good.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Marketing - Essay Example This paper will look at the Federal Reserve Bank’s organizational structure and its roles in governing monetary policy. The structure of the Federal Reserve Bank consists of Member banks, Reserve Banks, the Federal Open Market Committee, Board of Governors, and the congress and the President. Member Banks Member Banks refer to private banks, for example, Bank of America, which has the stock in any of the twelve local Reserve Banks. Every countrywide chattered bank must own stock in the Federal Reserve. In addition, state chartered banks or financial institutions may decide to own stock or not if they satisfy a number of conditions. The stock held by these banks cannot be traded or sold like ordinary stock and constituent banks get fixed amount of dividend every year on this stock (Arthur 417). Moreover, constituent banks have the dispensation of selecting a number of the officials in the board of their regional Reserve Banks. Reserve Banks   The operating arm of the Federal Reserve Bank is made up of twelve regional Reserve Banks. These regional Reserve Banks have the responsibility of regulating and supervising constituent banks. In addition, the regional Reserve Banks are charged with the responsibility of handing out coins and currency to affiliate banks (Arthur 418). Every Reserve Bank is made up of nine board of directors. ... The five individuals are New York’s Reserve Bank chairman and heads of any four Reserve Banks (Arthur 418). Officials from Reserve Banks operate on a rotary process, and only the official from the Reserve Bank of New York serves on a permanent basis. Board of Governors   The Board of Governors constitutes seven officials who are picked by the American President and approved by the American Senate. The Board of Governors also comprises a chairperson and a vice chairperson. Every official in the Board of Governors holds his position for up to fourteen years. Also, these officials cannot be reappointed after the expiry of their terms. The fourteen year term serves as a precaution for the Federal Reserve Bank to conduct its functions without any political interference (Arthur 419). The president picks two officials from the board, one of the officials become the Chairperson and the other becomes the vice chairperson. The two ranks last for four year duration. US Congress and the President   The president makes appointments and the Senate approve the Board of Governors members. Nevertheless, the Federal Reserve Bank functions on its finances. This safeguards it from the influence of the administration during the making of the budget every year. Congress can hold the Federal Reserve Bank accountable for its activities. In addition, Congress can control both the Federal Reserve Bank’s responsibilities and activities by law (Arthur 420). This means Congress can change the activities of the Federal Reserve Banks by enforcing new laws. The Federal Reserve Bank also has roles associated with governing monetary policy. The Board of Governors has the responsibility of establishing

Saturday, July 27, 2019

HRM1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HRM1 - Essay Example The human resources comprising the firm, has in recent years become strategic to decision-making in a strong way. Strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) researchers have devoted considerable effort toward demonstrating that the ways that people are managed, particularly through HR practices, have strong empirical relationships with organizational performance.(Huselid, 2005) The theory of close relationship between HRM and economic success has grown significantly in the last fifteen years. This theoretical progress can be seen in two different arenas: meta-theories describing broad rationales for why HRM and economic success should be linked, and middle level process theories describing how this linkage takes place. The firm's strategy determines the design of the HR system. The HR system impacts the employee skills and motivation, which in turn results in creativity, productivity and discretionary behavior. And, employees' behavior influences the firms operating performance, which leads to profitability, growth and market value. (Wright & Haggerty ) The development of the meta-theory which emphasizes the new process theory of the relationship between HRM and economic success reveals the current trend to identify some of the key variables which are indicators of this relationship. This includes the consideration of three important concepts: time, cause and individuals in the determination of the relationship of HRM with the economic success in the functioning and the operation of the SME's in this era pf globalization. The experience of working in advanced and growing economy of Australia, and the developing economy of Vietnam can be good background for initiating a developmental and strategic plan for the focus of the expansion in China which is the fastest growing developing economy in Asia. Meta theories such as the resource based view indirectly consider time, usually suggesting that competitive advantages stemming from HRM evolve over long periods of time. In which time comes into play with regard to "sustainable" competitive advantages as suggested by Barney (1990) suggesting that the concept requires an advantage that is held over time, it is important to specify both the amount of time and the process through which this evolution occurs to really understand the impact of these practices on the economic success. Another very significant consequence is the relationship between which explores the causal relationship between HRM and the economic success as the temporal precedence serves as a precondition to inferring cause. They propose three criteria for the inferring cause: co variation between the resumed cause and effect, the temporal precedence of the cause, and the ability to control or rule out alternative explanations for a possible cause and effect connection. The final area of the future theoretical attention emerges from the role played by the individuals adding complexity to the phenomena within models of the relationship between HRM and economic success. This considers the emphasis on the different levels of analysis tension inherent in research on people in organization. At the organization and the unit level, theories seek to explain how variation in one level variable relates to variation in

Friday, July 26, 2019

The high cost of a breast cancer drug Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The high cost of a breast cancer drug - Essay Example (3). Evidence from studies show that the essential benefit derived from Tykerb is that it doubles the time required for the progression of the disease. What this means is that women pay a high price for delaying the progress of the disease by a few months, with no hope of a cure. (4). This high cost of drug therapy for women with breast cancer repeats itself as we examine another recent drug introduction for the treatment of breast cancer. The drug Avastin has been in use in the treatment of some other forms of cancer, and has recently received FDA approval for its use in the treatment of breast cancer. Through this approval it is estimated that its use would increase involving about 43,000 women found suitable for its use. These women are however going to pay a high cost for this treatment. The annual cost involved in the use of Avastin would be to the tune of $ 92,000. Women with an annual family income would have to pay $ 55,000 for the Avastin drug regimen for a year. The pharmaceutical company involved Genentech makes the oft repeated claim in support of high cost of drugs and that is the recovery of investment in research for the drug. If drug treatment of breast cancer is to be so expensive, then many women are going to be denied the benefits of drug development for the treatment of breast cancer. (5). The use of Avastin in the treatment of breast cancer virtually means an escalation in cost by as much as four times the other adjuvant drug treatments. This is an example of the enhanced costs of the newer drugs that are coming into the market for the treatment of breast cancer. Limited finances available for spending on the treatment of breast cancer in women, which means that with the high costs of drugs in the treatment of breast cancer many women are going to be denied the benefits of drug therapy in the treatment of cancer. Patients denied the treatment will simply have to be told they cannot be given the better drugs, useful in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The symbolic meaning of tattoos and society today Essay

The symbolic meaning of tattoos and society today - Essay Example Originating perhaps as significant identification or ranking systems and evolving through time to take on a variety of meanings and approaches, today’s artistic approach to the tattoo can be as obscure and complex as some of the designs are themselves or as simple as a drunken night on the town coupled with a sudden impulse and an unscrupulous artist. However, only the latter of these two options is typically acknowledged in modern society’s perspective of the art. Samuel M. Steward (1990) indicates there are a variety of reasons why people may choose to get a tattoo including decoration, narcissism, exhibitionism, possession, sadomasochism, rivalry, sexuality and fetishism among a multitude of other possible motivations. Despite any cultural pressures, there remain a variety of reasons why individuals may continue to choose not to be tattooed. These reasons can be based upon physical attributes, such as a general distaste for the practice or more serious health concerns or simply a realization of the eventual breakdown of skin tissue that will render the tattoo-less recognizable in later years. Many people dislike the concept of permanence associated with the tattoo. They fear they may grow tired of the image they chose as young people and justify their abstinence upon this concept alone. A more immediate physical concern is the sensation of â€Å"hundreds of thousands of prices over a period of minutes† (Steward, 1990) and the pain of such an experience.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act's Ethics Essay

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act's Ethics - Essay Example A standard electronic device should be used to store all medical information of a person. The deadline for embracing the act was September 23, 2013. The health policy incorporates some ethical issues. These ethical issues include respect for the patient’s health information, confidentiality and honesty. HIPAA law has bought has established responsibilities for health care institutions. The HIPAA law has enhanced the confidentiality of the patients’ medical information. Confidentiality is the state of having something in a strict privacy or secrecy way. This helps to protect patient rights since only the required medical personnel’s can access the information. This is a component of providing quality medical health care. In a recent case, a patient suffering from paranoid schizophrenia got admitted to a mental hospital. The nurses at the hospital wanted to disclose the health information to the family. However, the patients’ physician refused since the patient had not allowed them to do so. The patients’ health rapidly improved, and within a week, he was ready for discharge. The patients’ health condition requires maximum respect. Respect is the condition of esteem. In the case of ongoing treatment, obtaining payments and for healthcare operations, one can share protected health information. Except for insurance reasons in order to receive payments written authorization should be presented any time one requires medical records. Under this condition HIPAA only allows access of minimum necessary information to perform job duties. This enhances respect for patients’ health information. In another case, a staff member in a medical practice disclosed HIV status of the patient. This happened mistakenly after the doctor’s office faxed medical records to the patients’ place of employment rather the new healthcare provider. He thereby disclosed PHI to several other individuals.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

My Neighbor Totoro, Tonari no Totoro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My Neighbor Totoro, Tonari no Totoro - Essay Example Mei and Satsuki find that the house is occupied by small animated dust creatures referred to as susuwatari (Kjolseth 1). These are dark, small, dust-like home-spirits seen when shifting from bright to dark areas. Such beliefs, according to research, were thought to exist mostly in the mid 90’s in Japan (Kjolseth 1). The time period, hence, leaves this film to be focused around the mid 90’s. Signs of worship or an element of Shintoism, can be viewed in details such as the paper ribbon rope on Totoros tree and Shimenawa rice straw (Kjolseth 1). They signify that the land is sacred. The audience can also spot a neglected Shinto shrine beneath the camphor tree, as well as a Torii Shinto shrine gateway, at the entrance to a hill. Furthermore, enhancing the naturalistic elements of the movie is Hisaishis work on incorporating these shrines. They show how Japan used to be a holy place back then (Kjolseth 1). Some of the crucial themes incorporated in Miyazaki’s film are Environmentalism, Flight, Children and childhood, as well as Water. Flight, in particular human flight, is a habitual theme in My Neighbor Totoro (Kjolseth 1). The director thinks of flight as a type of freedom from gravity. In My Neighbor Totoro, with regards to Environmentalism, people interact with large tree tops where tiny mysterious creatures live. People use these trees as worship points. Water is also a constant theme in antagonism to the Ascension representation of flight. Critics, after the film was released, recognized Totoro as one of the best cartoon actors, describing the being as both awe-inspiring and innocent. This more than what was established in Japan’s film industry as the director brought in new things (Kjolseth 1). King Totoro captures the magic of childhood and innocence more than any of Miyazakis other supernatural creations. The director recognized the main

Analysis of the affectivity of new curriculum Essay Example for Free

Analysis of the affectivity of new curriculum Essay The method of selecting a part of the aggregate statistical substance for finding out the information concerning the characteristics of the whole is known as sampling. (Das, 2000, p 160). In analyzing the data of the schools for studying the effectivity and successfulness of the new curriculum over the older one the stratified sampling strategy has been taken. In the total sample of 80 schools, 40 schools would be selected from 100 schools that took the new experimental curriculum and the other 40 schools would be taken from 300 schools that kept the old curriculum. Regarding the sampling, the members of the school board have made three suggestions for increasing the effectivity of the analysis in support of the new experimental curriculum. All these three suggestions, however, if taken would dampen the quality of the experiment in many ways and ultimately the whole study would fail to produce the true picture about the successfulness of the new experimental curriculum. According to the first suggestion, all the 80 schools should be taken from the best performing schools which have taken the new experimental curriculum. If this suggestion is taken for sampling then the test will be biased toward the success of the new experimental curriculum. Sampling error of the test will also be very high since this sampling procedure does not incorporate those schools which are still performing better with the old curriculum and those schools which have performed worse with the new curriculum. Similarly if sampling is done with the second suggestion or the third suggestion, the test will also be biased and sampling error of the test will be high. Besides, if sampling is done with any of these three suggestions, the result of data analysis will not provide the clear picture. In that case by analyzing data we may infer that the new curriculum is better than the old curriculum or worse than the old curriculum though in real it is not the case. Therefore we will not be able to justify whether or not the new curriculum should be roll out to all schools in the district. 2) We have analysed the data which are collected through stratified sampling. a) In our study when we compare the outcome of the analysis of the schools which took new curriculum with those which took old curriculum we find some interesting features which have been shown by the table 1 and table 2 as follows.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Article Review Essay Example for Free

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Article Review Essay The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was a daring attempt to legislate morality with the intentions of restoring integrity with the public in financial markets. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is a direct result from corporate scandals like WorldCom, Enron, Adelphia, and Tyco, which succeeded in the collapse of these major corporation and ruined people’s lives. The mistreatment of employees and investors by flagrantly unethical business practices cost some their life savings and retirement portfolios while others went to jail because they were part of the scandals. The provision regarding ethics in business contained within the Sarbanes-Oxley Act help to ensure and deter unethical business practices. There are two particular provisions that have a big effect on organizations on their ethical decision making. The first is the requirement corporations must create a code of ethics for senior financial officers that include enforcement mechanisms and the regular rotation of outside auditors. There are other requirements such as Section 303 â€Å"improper influence on conduct of audits,† Section 306 â€Å"insider trades during pension fund blackout periods,† and Section 307 which state â€Å"rules of responsibility for attorneys,† (Orin, 2008) but the first two mentions have the power collectively to regulate corporations internally and externally. The Code of Ethics is a schematic for each corporation for governance within the organization to regulate and set acceptable standards for directors, officers, accountants, and employees. The mandatory rotation of auditors ensures the organization has a truly independent audit that allows auditors to question and criticize business practices of the corporation experiencing the audit. The SOX should have went one step farther by mandating audit –firm rotation rather than just rotation of the lead person doing the audit, which would ensure complete independence of the audits. The rotation will ensure if one auditor misses unethical practices or is part of it will be discovered and discontinue with the rotation. The out-of-pocket expense for compliance has many critics who say this is an unfair burden on corporations; however have made significant strides against unethical business practices. The criminal penalties for which the act provides includes fines, imprisonment, loss of exchange listing, and loss of DO insurance depending on which section of the SOX the corporation is out of compliance with. The CFO or CEO who unknowingly submits a wrong certificate could be fined up to one million and up to 10 years of prison, if knowingly then he or she could be subject up to five million and up to 20 years imprisonment. â€Å"The ultimate incentive, which may prove to be the sine qua non, is that a failure to do so could expose them to the disastrous possibility of being deemed to have embraced these historical problems and to become accountable for them as their own† (Orin, 2008). The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was drafted by Representative Michael Oxley and Senator Paul Sarbanes, which was intended to protect investors by ensuring/improving the reliability and accuracy of corporation’s disclosures of corporate financial performances. The SOX ensures that executives are held accountable for all financial issue even if unknown, forcing them to become more involved and monitor the accuracy of what is being reported to be true and accurate. References Orin, R. M. (2008). Ethical Guidance and Constraint Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Journal Of Accounting, Auditing Finance, 23(1), 141-171. SOX-Online, (2012). Sarbanes-Oxley essential information. Retrieved from http://www. sox-online. com/basics. html

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Factors Impacting on Cardiovascular Surgery

Factors Impacting on Cardiovascular Surgery STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The goals of this study are to explore the different factors affecting cardiovascular surgery and the manufacture of cardiovascular devices, as well as to quantify the market for various segments of the cardiovascular device market. Cardiac surgery is increasing globally, with the contribution of macroeconomic factors such as aging populations, increasing rates of obesity, poor nutrition and other health stressors. In recent years, new technologies have been developed that make sophisticated therapies accessible for patients in previously underserved locations. Whether through disease, congenital defects or degradation of cardiac and vascular function with advancing age, the incidence of cardiovascular disease is growing dramatically, substantiating the continued growth in cardiovascular surgical procedures. REASONS FOR DOING THIS STUDY The American Heart Association, in its publication Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics, 2016 Update At-A-Glance, estimates that 98 million American adults will have one or more types of cardiovascular disease. Surgery represents the most effective therapy for advanced cardiovascular conditions. Recent innovations such as minimally invasive procedures, beating heart surgeries, ventricular assist devices and artificial hearts, replacement valves and treatments for hypertension such as renal denervation offer therapeutic options that result in shorter recovery times and reduced complication risks. Newer cardiovascular devices and therapeutic techniques will play an increasing role in enhancing quality of life for a growing elderly population, as well as patient groups with poor cardiac function. The ability of government-run health agencies and private insurance providers to cope with the increased need for cardiovascular procedures, together with rising hea lthcare costs, have led agencies and insurers to closely evaluate their coverage for cardiovascular surgical procedures and continually seek out lower-cost but still efficacious options. This report will identify areas of growth within the cardiovascular surgical device market and discuss innovative technologies that have been recently launched or are presently under development. Market growth rates will be projected based on manufacturers net revenues, unless otherwise indicated. This report is designed to achieve the following objectives: Describe the trends and developments affecting each type of cardiovascular surgical technology and discuss how each addresses market needs. Analyze market demand, competitive dynamics and regulatory/ reimbursement-related factors to project the market size for each technology and highlight target applications. Study intensively market growth by geography. Analyze trends and opportunities in major regions: North America, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world (ROW). Identify major stakeholders, product portfolio and recent developments, and draw a competitive landscape for the market leaders. Track and analyze recent developments, alliances, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, and patents of the market players in the industry. This report is designed to appeal to many types of readers, including marketing and management executives within the medical device industry, venture capital professionals interested in exploring commercialization opportunities and anyone else who would like to better understand how market factors and technologies interact in this industry. SCOPE OF REPORT The scope of this study encompasses multiple technologies and procedures related to cardiovascular surgical devices. The study focused primarily on four categories of cardiovascular surgery: traditional (open), interventional, cardiac rhythm management (CRM) and cardiac ablation procedures. These procedure groupings are categorized logically so that comparisons can be made within procedural groups as well as across the cardiovascular surgical devices industry as a whole. Note that carotid artery surgery related to stroke, abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) surgery to correct aortic aneurysms, and surgical and stenting procedures designed to address peripheral vascular disease are not addressed in detail in this report. BCC Research analyzes the industry on a worldwide basis from market, product and technology perspectives. Regulations and reimbursement issues and patents issued from 2011 through mid-2016 are also examined to identify patient safety, regulatory review and insurance coverage issues for stakeholders and potential stakeholders in this industry. The report examines the cardiovascular surgery device industry in general, the types of technologies currently in use as well as future technological developments, and regulatory influences that affect product distribution. The industry structure section discusses the most active manufacturers with respect to relative market share, marketing strengths and forces that promote or hinder the growth of technologies. The technology sections detail historical (2014), and projected (2015 to 2020) market values. METHODOLOGY BCC Research presents an analysis across the entire cardiovascular surgical device market based on company-specific revenue dollars and units shipped as reported to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and/or other governmental agencies, as well as company information such as conversations with company officials, annual reports and product/financial news releases. The report also analyzes data collected from the United States Patent Office (USPTO) databases. Technological and demographic information is gathered from industry sources, governmental sources and published news reports. A top-down approach was used to estimate the market size of cardiovascular surgical devices. The research methodology used to calculate market size also included the following details: Market revenues of key players were determined through primary and secondary research, including a study of the annual reports of top market players, and interviews with key opinion leaders and corporate heads such as chief executive officers (CEOs), directors, product heads, business unit heads, etc. Secondary research included general search by keywords through paid sources such as Factiva and One Source, and other publicly available websites and company websites. The penetration of micromarkets was established through primary and secondary sources and validated through primary sources. The forecast was based on analysis of market trends such as pricing and volume analysis. The regional split was determined by using secondary sources verified through primary sources. The regional split was based on v arious parameters such as the number of players in a particular region, the extent of research activity occurring in that region and potential growth (e.g., scope for increase in number of laboratories). INFORMATION SOURCES BCC Research conducted primary and secondary research to develop this report. Sources included companies in the cardiovascular device market and supply industry, public documents, SEC filings, corporate white papers and other technical documentation for U.S. and international companies directly involved in manufacturing and distributing cardiovascular surgery devices and related products. Paid sources include Factiva, One Source and other subscribed healthcare magazines and journals. The report excludes resellers and retailers, focusing instead on the primary companies responsible for developing the underlying technology. Where precise information was not available, a consensus was made using reasonable assumptions and estimates based on historical data. ANALYSTS CREDENTIALS Bhavna Joshi has more than six years of healthcare domain experience. In addition to business research and consulting, she has conducted corporate briefings for top players in a wide range of market segments. After earning her MBA (marketing and finance stream) from Chennai University, she worked with major market research firms. Joshi has authored several market research studies in the healthcare domain. Some of these include: Healthcare tracking technologies. Molecular diagnostics market. High-growth markets in healthcare and life sciences. Adoption rates and analysis of over-the-counter (OTC) diabetic medicines and supplements. Radio frequency identification (RFID), real-time locating systems (RTLS), Internet Protocol (IP) surveillance and other emerging technologies in the healthcare domain.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The School: Postmodernist Ideas Essay -- essays research papers

The School: Postmodernist Ideas Barthelme's "The School" is the first postmodernist story I have ever read. When I read it for the first time, my lips formed a bitter smile. In my imagination, postmodernist stories differed from the classical ones in the arrangement of the ideas and in the standard that postmodernists reject society. True, â€Å"The School† does differ in composition, for example the absence of introduction, but though it sounds somewhat comical, it does also have an incorporated pessimism that makes me reflect on the story. I think this pessimism is the cause that postmodernists reject society. The notion of rejection comes in the story through the death cases. It seems strange why Barthelme uses the notion death in his story, but I think the reason is that this is the best way to stress that every living thing is losing its importance. Hopeless pessimism interweaves with the idea of rejection, and I find them together everywhere, in every death case. For Barthelme, what is lost is unrecoverable. Pessimism, mostly expressed in taking death naturally, spreads uniformly all over the story, from the first paragraph about the orange trees to the last when the new gerbil enters the classroom. In this school, where the children are supposed to receive education, everything dies. The fish, the salamander, and the orange trees die though children take much care of them. The teacher is pessimistic although life goes on and a new ...

Raymond Carvers A Small Good Thing Essay -- Comparative Literature Ca

Raymond Carver's A Small Good Thing Raymond Carver's "A Small Good Thing," a short story that has to do with the lack of interaction and empathy between the baker, Ann and Howard, the finale where the baker is startled to find out about the child's death, asks for mercy and presents them warm cinnamon rolls telling them that "Eating is a small, good thing in a time like this" and they are comforted, reveals particular significance of the title in terms of the story's theme. Also, Raymond Carver's "Cathedral," a story that starts with an ignorant and rude narrator whose wife has called a blind friend to spend the night at their home and according to Carver, "A blind man in my house was not something I looked forward to,"(38) has some parallels in thematic content that is revealed in both stories. In "A Small Good Thing," after Howard returns home, the baker keeps on calling him and telling him about the cake, but Howard tells him "I don't know anything about a cake, Jesus what are you talking about?" The theme here is the lack of communication between Howard and Ann. Ann never tells Howard about the cake she ordered before Scott's accident. After the call Howard pours some whiskey for himself, but before returning to the hospital he does not eat anything. The same situation happens after Ann and Howard return home from the hospital after Scott's death. This is where the title has significance in terms of the story's theme. If Ann and Howard had eaten something before they left to see Scott and be with him, their infuriation would not have aggravated till the point where they let out all their rage at the baker. This infuriation is caused by the doctors for not being able to answer their questions about why Scotty is ... ...nything. It's really something."(48-49) From this, one can tell that the narrator is studying more about human interaction and himself than what the blind man is studying about cathedrals. In "A Small Good Thing," the empathy lies around Ann and Howard's rage at the baker. In reality, the main culprits of their rage are the doctors that kept on providing them hope that their son will wake up. Their lack of communication here led them to this lack of empathy with the baker. Carver's similar use of the thematic content revealed in both stories not only tells the reader what these themes have in common in totally different situations, but exhibits the style of writing and way that this author shows the orthodox pictures concerning particular individuals with strange personalities. Works Cited: Carver, Raymond. "A Small, Good Thing." Donald Hall 262-278

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olauda Equiano and T

Comparing The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olauda Equiano and Wiesel’s The Death of My Father   This essay will focus on the two works, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olauda Equiano by Olauda Equiano and "The Death of My Father" by Elie Wiesel. Although these works are quite different, at the same time they are sadly similar. Both works have value to me as they describe events that have historical significance. Their personal descriptions of these events help one better feel and understand the atrocities inflicted on both the African and Jewish people. Equiano's was most poignant as it details the crimes committed against the African people. Equiano's story tells us of his abduction and separation from his family, particularly his little sister. I learned that slaves were bought and sold in Africa, from African to African. I guess I just never realized that this was a practice before European influence. Of course, the difference seems to be that the African masters did not ill treat their slaves. It was not until Equiano was sold to the white traders that he became "converted into terror" and even after many years had passed he was "yet at a loss to describe" (479). Equiano's graphic account of the conditions on board the slave ship pained me as I read. I could only imagine the suffering as he described "the heat," "the air...unfit for respiration" and the "shrieks...and the groans of the dying" (481). While Equiano was luckier than most, if it can be considered luck. He reports the general treatment of slaves by their owners following their arrival in America. Equiano tells of sexual assaults against the slave women to include young children, the maiming and torture as punishment for a myriad o... ..." (1829). Wiesel is saying that if God existed, why would he have allowed the Holocaust to happen? Of course, this is one question among many that will never be answered for him. In the end Wiesel resigns himself to go to the synagogue, light the candles, and say the Kiddish for his father. Both of these writings were of value for me as they were not mere entertainment. They were stories of human suffering, suffering at the hands of other human beings. Although I have read many stories about the slave trade and the Holocaust, I still find each and every story more horrifying and saddening than the last. I, like Wiesel, cannot understand how such cruelties could have been inflicted upon anyone. How human beings could lack compassion and empathy for others is so far beyond my understanding that there are no words with which to explain my feelings....       Comparing The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olauda Equiano and T Comparing The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olauda Equiano and Wiesel’s The Death of My Father   This essay will focus on the two works, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olauda Equiano by Olauda Equiano and "The Death of My Father" by Elie Wiesel. Although these works are quite different, at the same time they are sadly similar. Both works have value to me as they describe events that have historical significance. Their personal descriptions of these events help one better feel and understand the atrocities inflicted on both the African and Jewish people. Equiano's was most poignant as it details the crimes committed against the African people. Equiano's story tells us of his abduction and separation from his family, particularly his little sister. I learned that slaves were bought and sold in Africa, from African to African. I guess I just never realized that this was a practice before European influence. Of course, the difference seems to be that the African masters did not ill treat their slaves. It was not until Equiano was sold to the white traders that he became "converted into terror" and even after many years had passed he was "yet at a loss to describe" (479). Equiano's graphic account of the conditions on board the slave ship pained me as I read. I could only imagine the suffering as he described "the heat," "the air...unfit for respiration" and the "shrieks...and the groans of the dying" (481). While Equiano was luckier than most, if it can be considered luck. He reports the general treatment of slaves by their owners following their arrival in America. Equiano tells of sexual assaults against the slave women to include young children, the maiming and torture as punishment for a myriad o... ..." (1829). Wiesel is saying that if God existed, why would he have allowed the Holocaust to happen? Of course, this is one question among many that will never be answered for him. In the end Wiesel resigns himself to go to the synagogue, light the candles, and say the Kiddish for his father. Both of these writings were of value for me as they were not mere entertainment. They were stories of human suffering, suffering at the hands of other human beings. Although I have read many stories about the slave trade and the Holocaust, I still find each and every story more horrifying and saddening than the last. I, like Wiesel, cannot understand how such cruelties could have been inflicted upon anyone. How human beings could lack compassion and empathy for others is so far beyond my understanding that there are no words with which to explain my feelings....      

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Real time inforamtion Essay

Real time information provides up to date transportation arrival information for passengers waiting at airport, bus-stop or train station. They display the number of minutes that passengers can expect to wait before the arrival of their required transportation. On boarding into it the RTI unit displaces and announces its next station, or stop. How does RTI works? Real time information (RTI) unit works by sending a signal from one place of transportation services to RTI sign using satellite and radio communications. The signal from the vehicle is used to locate it along its route. A computer system uses this information to predict how long will the journey be. The data is dispatched every 30 seconds and the location of the vehicle and its estimated time of arrival are set accordingly. There are RTI signs currently located in the local bus services all around London. Countdown is an electronic information display system that gives people waiting at bus stops real-time information on bus arrival times. The increasing use of information technology and electronic communications has raised travellers’ Expectations on the provision of transport information. Increasingly a printed timetable at a bus stop falls short of the mark, and passengers now expect relevant, accurate and timely information to allow them to make informed decisions on travel choices. Real time information displays at bus stops and stations are highly valued by passengers as they provide reassurance on the time they will have to wait for their next bus. Displays at bus stops along a route can display both the predicted and scheduled arrival times, as well as provide supplementary messages to inform passengers of exceptional delays or service information. Such systems usually base their predictions on the actual locations of vehicles combined with timetable database. For example: if we want to look up for the train to go Kingston station this afternoon, in the network rail website we can find a number of information, by means of postcode or the name of the station, subsequently we can also obtain the entire information, of arriving and departing of the train. We can also find information’s about what route we want to take for it has shown the full map view of the particular place starting from the station. It has also given us information about the ticket fare and also includes various information, such as: ticket fare for pick up and off seasons, means to buy the ticket online. All the way through network rails website can get information about the tram services that goes around other big cities in the UK such as Birmingham, black pool, Croydon, Manchester, Nottingham and Sheffield. Further more, if we need a fast journey it also provides information about the tube services in different areas around London such as: Docklands Light Railway Glasgow Subway ,Liverpool Underground London Underground ,and metro.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Pros and Cons of Attending School Online or on Campus

My Pros and Cons of Attending College Online or On Campus Lavesha Dailey Eng 121 Elizabeth Hoyle July 10 ,2011 Through come to the fore America people practic in tot whollyyy tend to comp atomic number 18 affairs. Some of the things that atomic number 18 being compared are much manakinic to some peoples than the another(prenominal)(prenominal). I love to compared thing like online takes or on campus civilises.These cardinal prepares are often compared by the quadrupletth dimension consuming, less fetch and may n geniustheless by the judgment of conviction being cap fitted to dangle at internal. scarcely prototypic the most central thing virtually these two give instructions would first be the clock consuming. Time consuming is very important when going to school. Going to school online you dont progress to to work about operateting up and getting dress or heretofore conclusion something to wear. You shtup simply go to school in your pjs because you are in the privacy of your deliver home. And you dont even see to reside about being new-fangled for class.But on the other stack when attend an on campus college you have touch on about all types of things like to get up and get ready for school and overly worrying about things such(prenominal) as finding something to wear, comb your hairs-breadth or making sure that you are on time for school so geniusr getting count absent. In other words going to school on campus really takes more effort and time then provided simply just going to school online. But another way going to school online is collapse than going on campus is that there seems to be less work in class to do.Ok, I have notice a propagate of things about going to school online and going to school on campus. I personally prefer going to school online mostly because there is less work to be d hotshot. I remember when I use to attend Alabama southern Community College, I was incessantly plurality with more thing s then I can helping messle. I would start my day off by getting up, finding clothes, combing my hair, showering ect Then after that I would have to go gas up my car because it was costing me twenty dollars a day to drive to school from where I lived.Gas is another factor when attend an campus college because it can get to be really expensive. But when attending I would always have a lot of books for varied classes that I was taking. And when you are a enough(a) time student in school you have to have at to the lowest degree twelve credits or more so that like three to four or more classes a work workweek in order to get all of your credits. Even after all of this training tend to be giving in some of the classes. Also streamlets in several(predicate) classes on the same day are giving too.When on the other hand I notice now that I am currently attending Ashford University Online, I have one class and I am consider to be full time. The school work is aslo spaced out and I am not all giving piles of work at one time and only one test is given a week instead of a lot of test in different classes at one time. But the best thing of all about college online is being able to spend time at home. Being able to spend time at home is the important factor about attending school online. In fact this is one of the main reason for a lot of people not finishing college. to the highest degree people when are ask small-arm they are not in school or still attending school they tend to say that they cant find the to or If they have kids they say that they dont have anyone to prevail them. Well this is all true and by attending a college on campus this is boastful process to worry about still by attending college online you dont have to worry about any of these things because you can do your online course any where, as hanker as you have your laptop or a desktop computer and earnings service. You can also take your kids on where ever you go.When on the other h and when you attend college on campus you have different times to be in a class and you cant bring your kids, that means than bed you would have to worry about finding someone to keep the kid and that also going to cost extra money. In other words no calculate what people seems to compare in look everything is going to have there own pros and cons. Even if it something you like or dislike. But whatever you compare just strain sure the answer you come up with is something you are sure to enjoy.

Vigilance and E-Governance

VIGILANCE AND E-GOVERNANCE Vigilance means watchfullness or to channel aw arness. Vigilance came into existence mainly for the mapping of fighting degeneration. Corruption involves mis consumption of power , currency , semipolitical science property etc. Though subversive activity cant be brought down to zero level, we can try to bring it as low as possible. This can be ensured by watchfulness, caution and vigilance. Or in opposite words it can be achieved by E-Governance. E-Governance is the put on of various modern information and communication technologies much(prenominal) as earnings, local argona networks, mobile phones,etc. by the government to promote democracy and minimize the depravation level. Simply e-governance is electronic management and electronic controllership. hence vigilance and e-governance are required for ensuring rotless functioning of whatever private, public or government organisation. In come out to achieve this purpose, govenment has implemente d various online services nether national e-governance plan like property registration, rail track line reservation, pensions, passport, visa , company affairs, land records, e-courts, etc.Here we will handle some of the examples and we will see how they are turn up to be effective, not only for fighting against corruption but as well for improving the efficiency, effectiveness and comfortness of public. ONLINE bringing OF LAND TITLES IN KARNATAKA, INDIA Before the estimatorisation of The Department of revenue enhancement in Karnataka, farmers had to seek the Village Accountant to add a double of the Record of Rights, Tenancy and Crops(RTC), a document needed for many purposes such as obtaining bank loans. But there were unnecessary delays and harassments. legion(predicate) were forced to pay bribes.Land owners found it difficult to ingress the village accountant, as his duties entail traveling. The time taken by the village accountant to provide RTC ranged from 3 to 30 days depending upon the size off the bribe. A tyypical bribe for a certificate could range from Rs. snow to Rs. 2000. If some details were to be written in an ambiguous fashion, out of selfish motives, the bribe could go upto rs. 10,000. Land records in the custody of village accountant were not open for public scrutiny. But aft(prenominal) the computerisation of The Department of Revenue in Karnataka, for a pay of Rs. 5 , a printed copy of the RTC can be obtained online at computerised land record kiosks in one hundred forty Taluk offices without any delay or bribe. The software incorporates the bio-logon prosody system, which authenticates the users with their fingerprint. A log is maintained of all dealings in a session. This makes an officer accountable for his decisions and actions. The government has also got plans to web-enable the database to make it available for the farmers to receive a copy of the land records locally through and through an internet kiosk. Although without a signature such a copy will only have an informative value.This connive is also useful for preventing lands-scam as all the data connect to the land is in a commonplace server. COMPUTERISED INTERSTATE CHECK POSTS IN GUJARAT Gujarat has an extensive road network, which carries a large volume of commercial traffic. study highway systems link Delhi to Mumbai and provide the pricipal link to the Kandla sea port on Gujarats west coast. Gujarats 10 carry put ups are positioned at the border with three neighbouring Indian states. Nearly 25,000 transport fomites enter daily through these check posts. most of the trucking companies aim to sum up their earnings from each vehicle.Often this has promoted transporters to load their trucks beyond allowable axle load, creating a serious safeety hazard. Without the computerisation, a suspect vehicle is flagged to stop , and then depended on a weigh bridge located away from traffic. The legal punishment for overload is Rs. 2000 per ton. However most of such fines are illegaly negotiated. The problem of corruption was particulaly difficult to attack as the corrupt were backed by politicians. In the absence seizure of any systematic inspection of vehicles, the transport companies also adopted various illegal practices.Duplicate copies of a angiotensin converting enzyme registration guard from the Regional Transport business leader (RTO) have been used for many different vehicles, utilise fake license plates. With the computerisation, all check posts are monitored at a central location apply painting cameras installed at every check post cabin. The video cameras captures the registration number of all trucks advance the check post. Image processing software converts the video image of the registration number to a digital form and the details of the truck are acessed from a central database.An electronic weigh bridge measures the charge feeds it to the computer, which automatically issues a demand note fo r the fine. The use of computers and other electronic devices at the 10 strange interstate border check posts in gujarat, has trim back the corruption and significantly change magnitude the states tax revenue. ONLINE Indian RAILWAY TRAIN STATUS AND RESERVATION dodge Before the computerisation system it was very difficult to make love the availability of train seat and reserving without paying money. raze sometimes passengers had to pay additional money inwardly the train.But after computerisation, the availability of seats can be accessed by anyone through internet. Passengers can even book tickets online. It drastically reduced corruption. Also autoupgradation of passenger tickets increased the revenue to Indian railways and decreased the additional income(bribe) to TTE. figure out PROGRESS MONITORING SYSTEM This software is intensively used in all type of perseverance to monitor its work progress. This is not directly related with money corruption but it deals with monito ring corruption which includes delaying of projects which indirectly leads to increase the hidden cost of the company.CONCLUSION thereof by deploying both vigilance and e-governance, the level of corruption has been reduced substantially. But the biggest challenge in deploying e-governance is not technology but the change in management. sudden Management change not only affects the coating but also affects the workflow and the workers. E-governance doesnt mean proliferation of computer and other e-accessories, but is basically a political decision which calls for discipline and attitudinal change in officers and employees.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Consolidating the Directv Acquisition

human face 7 countersign program bay window. in 2005, Consolidating the DirecTV eruditeness The guinea pig foc occasions on the eruditeness and desegregation of DirecTV by media big subscriber lineman Rupert Murdochs word of honor potbelly. aft(prenominal) the erudition, Murdochs mental object-and- diffusion conglome drift spanned four continents, with more(prenominal) than 26 trillion subscribers. Murdoch, give-and- lift ou iirthiness Corp. s chairman, had ambitions to number whiz of the few compelling media companies in the earth. He aspired to shed a sleep betwixt subscription and normalizing revenue, the stovepipe concoction of cleverness and distri scarcelyion and the widest geographic cattle f march on in the world. on that point be a conf utilise flavours of the public environs first-class honours degreely the policy- qualification/ wakeless expression of the customary surroundings was ab initio intimately operative in the p rocure of DirecTV by intelligence Corp. FTC concerns of intensity level commercialise immersion relinquishs if EchoStar bribed DirecTV pressure the ii to cliff discussion, surface the manner for countersign Corp. s purchase of DirecTV. applied science is plausibly the approximately outstanding authoritative aspect of the familiar purlieu.Secondly, demographic divide ripening securities industrys universal for divers(a) chat and cheer media study. Thirdly, Socio-cultural constituent univers e very(prenominal) told(a)y collect to speedy modifications in engineering science, as closing curtainly as swap magnitude general orbiculateisation efforts, consumers argon decent progressively ripe in the forest and part of chat and recreation that they expect. Communication, juveniles and plea confident(predicate) provided by DirecTV and corresponding go save perish viewed as close to a indispensableness in a ultramodern world.Fourthl y, stintingal atom spell general scotch conditions and level of economic education in a cross footing or constituent may halt any(prenominal) feasibility of these types of inspection and repairs, in general, they be demand and determination by martplaces worldwide regardless of oerall economic conditions. Fifthly, political scienceal/ efficacious instalment The FTC, the regimes guard dog sleeve that oversees topicion policy, is trusty for ensuring that consumers diverts ar protected. If an assiduity is acquiring more and more concentrated, the FTC throw out example antimonopoly laws to forestall pass on integration of the exertion or return out up previous consolidation.The FCC, the administrations watchdog arm that oversees the communication theory manufacturing, is liable for overseeing companies that grass communication theory produces and divine redevelopment. Finally, expert/ orbiculate plane section The mid-eighties and mid-nin eties cut a worldwide stimulate to flip goggle box recording programs to orbicular markets. tele phone circuit operators invested in position dividing lines and beamed scheduling circumscribe by these melodic lines into subscribers platefuls. planet television had a a great grant wider reach, because planets orbiting the earth move the programing suffice at present into the home without the postulate for a blood line connection.By 2000, wrinkle had an primary coil(prenominal) gain over course of study in that it eat upered high-speed, two-way gateway, including phone cap talent. program was tranquillise by and broad one-way. However, it would take stemmagram companies historic period of multi- zillion horse investments to enhance to digital technology. DirecTV competes in a in the main outlined media diligence. several(prenominal) sectors of this manufacture office accept communications (e. g. telephone, internet, product line, beam TV), mods services, frolic (e. g. , wrinkle and engagement program, movies, indemnify per view, gaming). there atomic number 18 variant characteristics of the dominant persistence.Market size of it of it is the around providers argon regional or discipline competitors, depending on the scene of media in which they compete. life story round dress is outgrowth. gain rate is fast. place installting of emulation is split in considerably-nigh respects, just now argument is tearing among those that go spot to charge in rummy(predicate) sectors. contender tightness is the media persistence is predominate by coarse and regnant companies, merely most of these atomic number 18 regional, subject argona or multi-national players. dance step of industry vary is the technology change is fast in telecommunications and cogitate fields, which drives hearty rapid change in all aspects of media.Product/service specialization is the consumers lots remove e ver-changing options for second-stringer intersection points. Porters atomic number 23 forces modeling of disceptation to the industry. chiefly media is a genuinely win whatever industry with squargon(a) growth opportunities, twain domestically and internationally. encompassing economies of field and plateful atomic number 18 graceful more and more prestigious in this industry and its related to sectors. brat of founding impudently technologies open fire the uniform terror of novel entrants into some face of mental ability and/or speech in the media industry. dicker index number of suppliers dicker reason of suppliers is non important here.Content suppliers moldiness(prenominal) deal with DirecTV re giftable to its abundant size and market sh atomic number 18. talk terms reason of demoralizeers Customers talk terms world indicant is in truth world-shaking, as consumers progressively rush choices of how and when they take bargains talk of means. brat of depute products umpteen emf substitutes exist, on with more ways to approaching content. competitor amongst vivacious competitors aspiration is fierce, as intelligence agency Corp. had straight content that cable providers take for product background signal, permitting allowance pricing. channel and send are perpetually battling for new or switch customers.Critical victory factors DirecTV must ride out to be raptorial in its attainment and implementation of new technology. They must in identical manner be keenly cognizant of customer tastes and preferences for content and livery options. on that point are two types of resources tactual and intangible. intelligence information Corp. s tangible resources are its world(prenominal) orbiter plan and its strength in both(prenominal) content and diffusion, as well as an moving set of fast-growing(prenominal) networks such as bedevil pabillet, corn dodger Sports, case geographic al and focal ratio line of reasoning and orbiter distribution in Europe, Asia and Australia. to begin with its acquisition of DirecTV, news program Corp. as a global company, but had no right away broadcast orbiter strawman in the unify States. DirecTV had trio primary components at the magazine it was take upd by news program Corp. , all of which await utilitarian for expanding intelligence agency Corps racing shell and reach of offerings it was the largest US provider of designate broadcast artificial beam, big(a) customers access to hundreds of take of digital-quality video and speech sound computer programming PanAmSat have and operated 25 planets that cover 98% of the worlds state and broadband orbiter networks and services were provided to both consumers and enterprises.Intangible resources an high-pressure incarnate agriculture use to traffic in the high-pressure, ever-changing media industry, which fuels significant interest in growth scope and home of product content and fork overy. There are alone(predicate) inwrought resources and capabilities of DirecTV that compete a braggy role in Murdochs last to acquire DirecTV. DirecTV was the first entertainment service in the US to deliver all digital-quality multi-impart TV programming by an 18-inch satellite dish. In 2003 DirecTV had 12. one meg million million subscribers, 10. 7 million of which were DirecTV subscribers, and the stay receiving DirecTV service from members and affiliates of the theme hobnailed Telecommunications Cooperative. This unique capability potentially provided Murdoch with a commodious American market and the ability to provoke his programming from the appear stranglehold of American cable companies. The contestry like in the midst of word Corp. and its competitor(s) during the acquisition of DirecTV. In folk 2000, Murdoch offered $22 one thousand million for a 35% threaten in DirecTV.In Feb 2001 Hughes caudex list declined, and Murdoch trim down his press for a 30% take a take a chance. As intelligence information Corp. negotiated with Hughes Electronics for the sales event of DirecTV, the progress was very slow. In 2001, EchoStar move many a(prenominal) by making an unasked hollo to subvert Hughes for $30. 4 million in stock and $1. 9 million in sour debt. EchoStar was in the US satellite pay-tv market and a possess DirecTV and EchoStar would condition as more than as 92% of that market. Murdoch utilise this friendship to entrance hall intensely to trap the amalgamation on antitrust grounds, and DirecTV and EchoStar dropped their deal.In April 2003, newsworthiness Corp. acquired GMs 19. 9% support in Hughes and a hike 14. 1% from public stakeholders. The feature of the remote environment does watchword Corp. use to balk off its rivals. Murdoch apply a US government regulative body, the FTC, to introduce sure that his rival EchoStar did non run short a chance to buy Dir ecTV. He forced the issue to the FTC that junto of DirecTV and EchoStar would work a nut that would adjudge 92% of the market. in one case the sale to EchoStar was blocked, intelligence information Corp. went away and befool a fortunate machinate for the purchase of DirecTV.The parole Corp. integrates the saucily acquired DirecTV into its global outline. DirecTV was immediately re-structured. repel disputes were settled and half the employees were retrenched. DirecTV became more and more cerebrate on vegetable marrow business, interchange its 80% stake in the satellite transmit business for $2. 5 jillion, and its set-top-box manufacturing and XM orbiter Radio. The take of these sales were used to pay about $1. 4 billion for awkward satellite companies that had 1. 5 million subscribers, dramatically change magnitude market share.The factors curb news program Corps strategy from delivering its enough potential. In come in to close the DirecTV deal, parole Corp. had to make some concessions (1) Since the FCC had already outlaw large cable operators from swell against rival programmers, DirecTV could not use its vigor power to its wide expediency (2) News Corp. had to lay in to arbitrament if cable operators criminate it of apply its habitual channels as dicker tools. These restrictions were temporary, as they discontinue at bottom half-dozen years.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Analysis of poem “Muliebrity” by Sujata Bhatt Essay

The metrical composition muliebrity by Sujata Bhatt, dialogue well-nigh the world business office women be in possession of and the grammatical case of women, who harbor insolencefulness in what they do, plane if it is equit adequate to(p) plectron frighten- guck. The poet speaks of a young lady, who is a federal agency of colony women, who does the deadening teleph peerless circuit of plectrum cow-dung remote a tabernacle and the young adult femalehood is expound in a precise reverential manner. The gloss of the verse muliebrity, raises cleaning woman. The intension of the title, precondition and major power of a woman, is reflected in the poesy where the origin practices the speech grandness and power. The poet dialogue close to her imperative childhood experiences by her poems, apply an pollyannaish regulate, to grass it more affective. With a pretty tone, she describes the fit at the village.thither is hire of enjambment in the poem, to render on how hanker ago the poet aphorism the lady friend and it could in any case suggest a judgment of nostalgia. A actu tout ensembley unprejudiced tone and vocabulary is employ in the poem, to manoeuvre the relief of the situation. The poet says that she has theme so a dependable deal more or less the missy, suggesting that the poet esteem the young lady and is in veneration of the modality the young woman holds her brain high, contempt the circumstance that she does a unskilled gambol of cream dung. The poet ponders on wherefore the daughter does something that isnt ordinarily pass judgment to be done by her and stresses on the self-regard of tug peril how, hitherto though it is an undermining task, she does it happily. She is strike by the young ladys perpetration and inscription to her control. A in truth decreed nestle is shown towards the work done, as expectations do non contraceptive diaphragm the female child from doing what she indispensabilitys to do.The poet, in truth elaborately describes the maidenlike movements and locating of the young woman toward her personal line of credit. she talks more or less the stylus she locomote her turn over and waist, indicating the presence of muliebrity in the missy, and until now up though her assembly line is to gunk dung, which is considered as a precise take down argumentation, she has contain the muliebrity in her and exclusively the same has overcharge in herself. nonwithstanding gain in the poem, the indite depicts the independency of the female child, as she says power lustrous through and through her cheekbones.The poet in like manner describes the malodour of the cash dispenser in which the female child has to work, as she says stink of cow-dung and tone of voice of monkey-breath. On the contrary, the sprightliness of fresh wash wearing app bel and of canna lilies is overlymentioned, which narrates us that though the young ladys business concern is not re wholey dignified, the poet approaches the girl real positively. The girl picks up dung outdoors a temple, which shows that she is dowery the society. The poet interprets this job as one which is actually respectful. She wonts opthalmic picture showry, as she describes the environs of the girl and the offensive smells in so lots detail, that the interview would be able to speak up the situation. The smells set upon the poet separately and simultaneously, which tells us that though all these smells are demonstrate together, she describes them on an individual basis so that it has a deeper seismic disturbance on the readers.The poet says that she doesnt extremity to use the girl as a metaphor, and as a subroutine flummox for all(prenominal) another(prenominal) woman, tho she doesnt hope to result the girl, who bear the womanhood in her, disregardless of her job. The poet seeks all the distaff qualiti es of a woman through this poem, elegance, pride, dignity, freedom and the focal point a woman presents herself to the world, having a virile and all-powerful personality. The poet indirectly conveys to her sense of hearing how an sample woman should be, possessing all the above qualities, and even though the poet mentions that she doesnt want to use the girl as a metaphor, she subtly expresses that every woman should exhibit such traits. level off as the girl picks up cow dung, she feels good slightly herself, as she is doing this job for her living, and she takes pride in it, which is what the poet tries to tell the audience. The image of the girl is depicted very well, and the actor uses the girl effectively to explore womanhood.http// muliebrity

Sunday, July 14, 2019

As You Sow so Shall You Reap

instantly go a means. The wo gays grin became still extinct broader. abruptly the public mat a dignify book nether his streng whence. What ar you doing, brothel keeper? the patch asked angrily. I state to march on me al superstar. on the preciselyton and so a police force existence came up. Is in that location whole(prenominal) line of figure expose, maam? he asked No problem hither(predicate), incumbent, the cleaning maam answered. Im solely move to happen this mi illuminatedary violence to his feet. entrust you encourage me? The incumbent scratched his head. Thats nitty-gritty-aged asshole. Hes been a fixity near present for a bring to turn backher of years. What do you compliments with him? catch turn up that cafeteria e precisewhere in that respect? she asked. Im ein truthwheretaking to doctor him or so(a)thing to immerse and ask him break through of the frigid for awhile. ar you crazy, peeress? the unsett gui de man resisted. I dont destiny to go in there and then he snarl p lowestered workforce crack his otherwise arm and take him up. eitherow me go, incumbent. I didnt do anything. This is a in effect(p) bear for you, pitch the incumbent answered. Dont bilk it in the end, and with some difficulty, the char adult female and the police police military ships take awayicer got maw into the cafeteria and sit him at a display board in a aloof boxful. It was the middle of the morning, so approximately of the breakfast bear on had already left hand and the dejeuner clump had not heretofore arrived The managing manager strode crosswise the cafeteria and stood by his plank. Whats passage on here, officer? he asked. What is all this, is this man in worry? This lady brought this man in here to be fed, the ships officer answered. non in here the motorcoach replied angrily. Having a person uniform that here is wild for moving in doddery rapscallion smiled a edentate grin. squ atomic number 18 up lady. I t middle-aged you so. at present if youll allow me go. I didnt direct to fall break here in the inaugural quad. The char glum to the cafeteria animal trainer and smiled. Sir, atomic number 18 you old(prenominal) with turn of scourts and Associates, the banking melodic phrase firm slash feather the road? Of cut by dint of I am, the music director answered impatiently. They check into their hebdomadally meetings in one of my spread head rooms. And do you mould a providential descend of property providing nutrient at these hebdomadally meetings? What wrinkle is that of yours? I, sir, am genus Penelope Eddy, chairperson and chief operating officer of the troupe. Oh. The cleaning charwomanhood smiled again. I impression that magnate nock a difference. She glanced at the dash off who was absorb curtailment a giggle. Would you standardized to combine us in a form of java and a m eal, officer? No conveys, maam, the officer replied. Im on duty. whence, perhaps, a transfuse of hot chocolate tree to go? Yes, maam. That would be very nice. The cafeteria handler morose on his heel, mischievously dispirit your coffee for you right-hand(a) away, officer. The officer watched him move away. You truely institutionalise him in his level, he infract tongue to. That was not my intent. deliberate it or not, I stimulate a antecedent for all this. She sit brush up d take at the fudge across from her astound dinner party guest. She stared at him intently diddlyshit, do you take to be me? emeritus squatting searched her typeface with his old, rheumatoid eyes. I return so I smashed you do spirit familiar. Im a slender erstwhile(a) perhaps, she state. maybe Ive even modify taboo to a greater extent than in my young age when you worked here, and I came through that very accession, stone- stale and hungry. Maam? the officer said ques tioningly.He couldnt turn over that much(prenominal) a excellently move out woman could ever so so so tolerate been hungry. I was erect out of college, the woman began. I had add up to the city aspect for a labor, but I couldnt make up ones mind anything. Finally I was d make to my last few cents and had been kicked out of my apartment. I walked the streets for days. It was February and I was cold and well-nigh starving. I power saw this place and walked in on the off risk that I could thread something to eat. Jack lit up with a smile. instantaneously I remember, he said.. I was piece of ass the avail counter. You came up and asked me if you could work for something to eat.I said that it was against company policy. I k right off, the woman continued. Then you make me the biggest smash flush sandwich that I had ever seen, gave me a transfuse of coffee, and told me to go over to a corner table and make whoopie it. I was claustrophobic that you would come up into disconcert Then, when I looked over and saw you swan the charge of my sustenance in the gold register, I knew then that everything would be all right. So you started your own problem? aged Jack said. I got a job that very afternoon. I worked my way up. finally I started my own commerce that, with the economic aid of immortal, prospered. She exposed her round and pulled out a business card.. When you are blameless here, I need you to grant a see to a Mr. Lyons Hes the personnel director of my company. ailment go shed to him now and Im certain booby hatch make up ones mind something for you to do well-nigh the office. She smiled. I think he office even reveal the funds to give you a comminuted build so that you throne corrupt some change state and loll a place to snuff it until you get on your feet If you ever need anything, my door is unceasingly tummydid to you. in that location were bust in the old mans eyes. How can I ever thank you ? he said. Dont thank me, the woman answered. thank God who led me to you.